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Publish your book today

Bring your Story to Life!

Want a customized plan for your book?

“I want to write a book on my life, journey, work-life… my thoughts… I’ll start this week.”

Has it been a month to more than ten years since you made this promise to yourself? It’s time to shake the dust off that self-made promise and turn it into a reality. Become Author is a book-writing service with the aim to put your book on the shelves.

We will make sure your book gets written and completed on time. And that you have a fully-furnished book in your hand authored in your name.

What does a fully-furnished book mean?

  • We’ll meet up with you and discuss your book-writing requirements.
  • You may submit your book already written by you and our team of expert writers will proofread and edit it for you.
  • If you haven’t written your book yet, we’ll do that for you.
  • Your book will be designed by our team of Graphic experts.
  • You will get the ISBN number for your book

    There are many benefits to publishing your book, including:

    Sharing your ideas with the world
    Publishing your book allows you to share your unique perspective, stories, and ideas with readers around the globe.
    Building your brand or influence people
    Publishing a book can establish you as an expert in your field and build your personal or professional brand.
    Networking and collaboration opportunities
    It can open doors to new connections, collaborations, and opportunities within the publishing industry.
    Generating income
     Depending on the success of your book, publishing can provide a source of income through royalties and other revenue streams.
    Personal fulfillment
    Seeing your book in print and receiving positive feedback from readers can be a deeply fulfilling experience, boosting your confidence and sense of accomplishment.
    Financial Opportunities
    Successful publishing ventures can generate income through book sales, royalties, and potential licensing or adaptation opportunities. It can also serve as a marketing tool for other products or services that you offer.
    Financial Opportunities
    Successful publishing ventures can generate income through book sales, royalties, and potential licensing or adaptation opportunities. It can also serve as a marketing tool for other products or services that you offer.
    Networking and collaboration opportunities
    It can open doors to new connections, collaborations, and opportunities within the publishing industry.

    Publishing your book allows you to share your unique perspective, stories, and ideas with readers around the globe.

    Publishing a book can establish you as an expert in your field and build your personal or professional brand.

     Depending on the success of your book, publishing can provide a source of income through royalties and other revenue streams.

    It can open doors to new connections, collaborations, and opportunities within the publishing industry.

    Seeing your book in print and receiving positive feedback from readers can be a deeply fulfilling experience, boosting your confidence and sense of accomplishment.

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    About Become Author

    Almost everyone wants to write a book. It has crossed their minds but remains in their thoughts and that’s where it stays forever. We want to pull out those thoughts and turn them into books. We want to see those hidden gems of information and knowledge on shelves where people get to gain more knowledge.

    Become Author was started on a summer afternoon in a conference call among three caffeine-spiked associates. The three of us were high on insights and fortified with ideas on how to take any industry to the next level in India. What better way to do that than to support each individual who wants to share their knowledge with the world? This world can never have enough books. There’s so much knowledge to share and give around and one book is all you need to inspire a change in the world. What if that book was yours?

    Our Ghostwriting Services

    At Become Author, we provide end-to-end Ghostwriting services.

    Writing a book is easy, it’s the time that is most difficult to find and commit towards writing. We’re not judging, we know how hard it can be!

    This is why, as an upcoming book writing and publishing company; we have an expert team of Ghostwriters depending on your book-writing requirements.

    You get to customise your Ghostwriting plan with us, including additional services like designing a cover image, kindle edition, printed copies, etc.

    Want to speak to a specialist for writing your book?

    What We Can Do

    Services we can help you with

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    Our Awards

    We get multiple awards


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    Desktop excellence


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    Desktop excellence


    New technology innovation

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    Desktop excellence


    UI/UX design of month

    Honorable mention

    Desktop excellence

    Our agile process is ability to adapt and respond to change. Agile organizations view change as an opportunity, not a threat.

    The Folks Behind the Pages


    Caffeinated Thinker, Witty Word Catcher Focuses on optimising the words of a book.

    The BOO! Book Operating Officer


    Silent Talker, Nocturnal Future Dreamer Focuses on overall strategic decisions and operations.

    The BEO! Book Executive Officer


    Almost Invisible, Graphic Eagle Eye Focuses on designing the right picture for every cover.

    The BDO! Book Design Officer

    Opening Doors of Expression

    We aspire to be a catalyst for transformation, turning the experiences of individuals into powerful sources of inspiration. Our vision is to be the platform that enables people, irrespective of their socio-economic status, to write their own narratives, offering wisdom, hope, and encouragement to readers around the globe.

    Empowering Voices Across Mediums

    At our book publication company, our mission is to empower individuals to share their stories not only through books but also through a range of mediums, such as podcasts, films, and interactive digital experiences. By embracing diverse forms of storytelling, we strive to amplify voices and foster connection, understanding, and empathy in the world.

    Publish your book today

    Bring your story to Life!

    Want a customized plan for your book?

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    Shanu Sehgal - CEO At Tech

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Zack Noe - CEO At Tech

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Taylor Mard - CEO At Tech

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